wnjj wrote:
dougrainer wrote:
Do you understand what the "n" REALLY means? Doug
The service manual says exactly this: "No cooling detected by the controls". I abbreviated as "no cooling". My engineering guess is that code is set when nothing else is detected to be wrong but the thermistor is not ever dropping in temperature. It's what you'll get if the cooling unit itself has failed so no amount of flame or AC heater makes the fridge cold.
It's been fine all day so far on propane. At this point I'm going to say the relay has compromised contacts which sometimes work, sometimes stick on and sometimes are resistive enough to not cause an 'H' (open AC heater) but will not cool sufficiently.
Not Really. n or No/Co is a cooling fault. That means SOMETHING has caused the refer to NOT complete a normal cool DOWN cycle. Most common
causes of No/Co is lack of ventilation(or cooling fans inoperative) or running OFF level. But other things can cause it. This is a Cooling Unit protection fault, to prevent damage to the cooling unit. RV refers progressively cool down from the original interior temp---70 start and then 1 degree at a time until it reaches below 50 degrees and colder. IF you have an operational problem and the progression does not continue and stops, the controls sense this and stop the refer and throw the n(No/Co) code. You have ONE try to restart the refer, you turn it OFF and then back ON. DON'T find and fix the problem that caused the No/Co, it will throw a 2nd No/Co code and now your refer controls are locked out completely. You then have to do a HARD RESET. So, when you get the First No/Co code, check out the refer and determine what was happening that caused it to shut down. Doug
PS, after the first No/Co, if you restart and it does complete a correct cool down the FIRST code is erased.