Nov 28, 2023Nomad III
Normal sound?
Is it normal for a slide out to sound like a machine gun when it comes to the end of its run either all the way out or all the way in?
Please tell us what kind of slide drive system you have. Ideally, a brand & style/model of slide drive. Your camper manual may tell you the brand & style of slide drive you have. If you cannot find the brand/type of slide drive, describe how the slide drive is made or post pics. We can back into what you may have by how it is made and mounted to the slide room. Knowing the camper year, make, model, and when you acquired it also helps. And did it always make these sounds?
Some slide drive systems have a clutch to protect the motor drive that ratchets (makes constant ratcheting noise) when the end of travel or a jam/overload of the slide room drive system is detected. These are slide drives area normally mounted under the slide room floor. And if the clutch is tripping for the normal end of slide room travel, then they do normally make ratcheting noises. But, they also make similar noises when parts are worn and they jump teeth on gearing. These similar noises are not normal.
There are other types of slide drives that mount cables or gears on the "sides of the slide room," when these make ratcheting noises, it points to something being wrong.
Tell us more about what you have so we can better help tell if yours is making normal sounds or not.
Hope this helps,