It's going on 3 years we have been camping with our NovaKool 7.5cuft, AC/DC, fridge/freezer. It draws 4.7A when cycling although manufacturer says 4.4A after reaching set temperature.
As has already been said, daily draw from batteries depends on:
1) Set temp
2) Door opening times and duration
3) Amount of warm food or beverage placed in unit
4) Surrounding or outside temperature
5) Any extra insulation mods
Can set up on very unlevel ground without damage to unit.
Cools and freezes quickly in warm temps
Uses less energy (more efficient)than a similar sized absorbtion unit
Almost zero fire hazard
Similar compressor technology used in 99.9% of worlds commercial and domestic refrigeration units
Units use more electricity than similar sizes absorbtion fridges so if dry camping exclusively, RV must be set up with larger battery bank, solar, wind etc, genny and/or power from the alternator.
We have camped 193 nights with the NovaKool and have had shore power 4 times and genny power +- 3 hours.
330 W solar, 4 6V AGM's(400AH) and the trucks alternator have done the rest.
Couldn't be happier.