Forum Discussion

bamagirl's avatar
Jun 20, 2013

Kool Seal

Does anyone know where I can buy Kool Seal for Rubber Roof. I want the one that is specifically for RVs. Lowes apparently does not carry Kool Seal at all anymore.
  • My experience with the stuff is that rain causes white streaks down the sides of the vehicle on which you paint the roof. While it is better than black streaks it still looks bad.
  • Gjac's avatar
    Explorer III
    A friend of mine bought a new MH with a FG roof and gave me a gal of Kool seal and primer. I put it on in 2005. It looked great for about 4 years. I only had enough for one coat. I clean it every time I wash the MH. I power wash it once a year also and it is still on but it is wearing thin. I think the greatest cooling effect is from the white reflective acrylic or what ever the various coatings use. I cant see that .030 of any coating would be thick enough to add any R value. For something to be R 16 it would have to be a lot thicker than .030 to have any effect on cooling.
  • ryhed wrote:

    Nowhere in the product data sheet does it recommend using it over fiberglass. It needs sanded surface prep minimum for proper adhesion and also requires a primer and two coats of finish in a cross hatched application. I could only assume your preparation technique being a specialty coating applicator for many years, but do tell. Just read the pds.

    To the op, while it probably works, I would pick something else, then again I do industrial coatings and those products may not be readily available to you. I used roofmate and added microballoons into it for thermal insulation. Here is a product at lowes that has microballons,|1&pl=1¤tURL=%3FNs%3Dp_product_qty_sales_dollar%7C1&facetInfo=, but it is not intended for rv roofs but some have used it in the 700 formula, read reviews. I took two products that were compatible roofmate, epdm compatible white elastomeric coating, and microballoons purchased in the 5 gallon kit from

    I am no fool when it comes to reading labels and following instructions, in fact I painted all four sides of my TT using PPG DCC automotive paints.

    At $250 PER GALLON just for the paint not including catalyst or reducer you CAN NOT AFFORD TO MAKE MISTAKES.

    My mistake was to use cheapo $30 per gallon Kool Seal brand "rubberized" paint on the roof. It just is not up to par with automotive paints for long life, ease of keeping clean and cleaning.

    Painted sides my TT 6+ years ago with automotive paint, sides still look perfect, dirt FALLS off it when it rains or is washed with no wax EVER applied.

    But yet that cheapo Kool Seal attracts and HOLDs any and all dirt, is hard to scrub the dirt of it and worst of all HAS worn down to the point of the primer is worn and strands of fiber glass is showing through.

    To be perfectly honest as far as evaluation, my TT SITS beside a very busy road, trailer roof is only a few feet above the road level and gets VERY HEAVILY SOILED from road dirt and road salt in the winter. But yet the side of the trailer facing the road painted with automotive paint IS STILL as good as the day it was painted.

    You can keep the Kool Seal and your "micro beads". If I was wanting to increase the R Value I would simply remove the existing roof, fir up the roof and ADD REAL insulation (professional spray in place foam works wonders for this application).

    I would not fool around with these wimpy rubberized coatings, they are soft and designed to wear off over time just like EPDM, vinyl, or rubber membrane roofs.
  • bamagirl wrote:
    I have tried Googling it. The stores that it tells me carries it in my area do not carry the one specifically for rubber roofs.
    Can't you buy it online?
  • Gdetrailer

    Nowhere in the product data sheet does it recommend using it over fiberglass. It needs sanded surface prep minimum for proper adhesion and also requires a primer and two coats of finish in a cross hatched application. I could only assume your preparation technique being a specialty coating applicator for many years, but do tell. Just read the pds.

    To the op, while it probably works, I would pick something else, then again I do industrial coatings and those products may not be readily available to you. I used roofmate and added microballoons into it for thermal insulation. Here is a product at lowes that has microballons,|1&pl=1&currentURL=%3FNs%3Dp_product_qty_sales_dollar%7C1&facetInfo=, but it is not intended for rv roofs but some have used it in the 700 formula, read reviews. I took two products that were compatible roofmate, epdm compatible white elastomeric coating, and microballoons purchased in the 5 gallon kit from
  • aarond76 wrote:
    So does anyone have experience with this? Does it actually help keep it cooler in the trailer?

    No, it doesn't keep anything cooler, thats just the name of the product.

    In fact my own experience with it is nothing mor than glorified "rubberized" paint. Over time it gets very dingy grey to black form the dirt it attracts.

    About the only redeeming thing it has going is it does sort of provide some water proofing.

    Don't bother using the stuff unless you are experiencing a lot of water leaks and even that is questionable as to whether it will work for long. For the most part after two years it is worn away back to the original surface.

    I used it to cover a fiberglass roof, and now it has worn away that I see the fibers of the roof again. I might consider stripping it off and repainting with a good quality AUTOMOTIVE paint which will last 10-20 yrs..
  • I have tried Googling it. The stores that it tells me carries it in my area do not carry the one specifically for rubber roofs.
  • So does anyone have experience with this? Does it actually help keep it cooler in the trailer?