Nowhere in the product data sheet does it recommend using it over fiberglass. It needs sanded surface prep minimum for proper adhesion and also requires a primer and two coats of finish in a cross hatched application. I could only assume your preparation technique being a specialty coating applicator for many years, but do tell. Just read the
To the op, while it probably works, I would pick something else, then again I do industrial coatings and those products may not be readily available to you. I used roofmate and added microballoons into it for thermal insulation. Here is a product at lowes that has microballons,|1&pl=1¤tURL=%3FNs%3Dp_product_qty_sales_dollar%7C1&facetInfo=, but it is not intended for rv roofs but some have used it in the 700 formula, read reviews. I took two products that were compatible roofmate, epdm compatible white elastomeric coating, and microballoons purchased in the 5 gallon kit from