dougrainer wrote:
Farmboy666 wrote:
dougrainer wrote:
NONE of the previous schematics and even the Internet Links are WRONG for RV's. Just goes to show the Internet is not always right.
Brown----- RT
BLUE-------Electric Brakes
BLACK------12 volt positive
GREEN------Running Lights
YELLOW-----Center pin unused but if used Reverse lights.
Before you attempt to correct me-----I have wired and repaired miswiring on hundreds of 7 way RV trailers. Since this is an RV forum, the correct answer is posted above
Now, what confuses some people is 4 way BOAT or Utility trailer wiring
4 way flat is
BROWN ---Running lights
So, some know 4 way flat and then use the same colors when connecting to a 7 way plug. Which is wrong. Doug
Why don’t you read the original post, he doesn’t care what’s normal, he wants to know if anybody has seen a trailer wired like his.
If someone wired it wrong, then it is ridiculous to ask if someone has seen his wiring. I am telling him HOW to correctly wire HIS trailer so it will work on any vehicle that is correctly wired. Make it correct, not work around the problem. I was also responding to the mistaking wiring links so people will realize those links are wrong. Doug
Well he’s the one asking if anyone has seen his wiring so your calling his question ridiculous? He has already stated he can google a wiring diagram himself without any help. Don’t be so sensitive Doug, you’ve been wrong before.