joshuajim wrote:
camperdave wrote:
My receiver has a fair amount of slop, so I would never notice something like this. It would just center itself. Is it possible that your 2" opening is not totally square to the back of the truck? And by locking the receiver into the hitch you are forcing it to be at a bit of an angle? Or there could be a degree of error in the actual receiver shank/hitch attachment.
I've not heard of anyone having the L brackets at different heights side to side, might be interesting to shoot Equal-i-zer an email and ask, I'd be interested in their response.
I put a digital level on the receiver when the truck was level. Only a few tenths of a degree off. Not enough to cause the problem.
I also noticed that after a trip Ijust made, the street side L bracket still has some rust on the friction surface and the curb side is scrubbed clean with some scouring.
I believe that the curb side bar is doing the majority of the work.
I would try to figure out what's up. Where is the misalignment? Have you flipped the bars? does one side of the trailer sit low? Something is not straight. There's only a few places the misalignment can be, seems like it would be something you could isolate.
I guess the obvious place to look is the square holes the bars slide into. If one is worn or has more slop, it's going to hold the bar at a different angle than the other. I know I cracked one of those holes years ago, they hold a tremendous about of force!
I'd think shimming the square holes or raising an L bracket would provide the same functional result, but fixing it at the holes would be more aesthetically pleasing to me.