Forum Discussion

Buffblazer's avatar
Jul 01, 2019

Older fridge cooling Better on 110 than propane

Hello all, hoping for some help before my 4th of July trip

I took my 98 Lightcraft truck camper up the mountain this last Friday and when I left the house with the fridge on 110 the temp was 28 degrees.

Switched over to propane and drove an hour to my spot to find the fridge at 55 degrees. Could not get it to cool down.

Yesterday I ran it on 110 to verify it wasn’t the cooling unit. I had a tall blue flame but went ahead and cleaned the burner unit and blew out the area. Still the same height flame.

I adjusted my settings from hi-med-low and see very minimal flame height change and have never heard the propane “roar” that people talk about in the 2 years I have owned it. I did replace my regulator last year and have no issues with my stove or heater working.

Any suggestions? Not sure of the brand of fridge. It’s the old school 3 way with the turn knob in the back and the green 110 switch and red 12v

Thank you
  • time2roll wrote:
    Is this a stationary issue or an in transit issue?

    While in transit the flame may have blown out.

    I do have issues with my flame blowing out and I thought that was my culprit, but after sitting over night at my camp location and outside temp dropping to around 45 degrees it still wasn’t cooling.
  • I have 4 muffin fans that I run to keep the unit cool, 1 for cool air inlet, 1 that’s mounted to suck the fresh from the bottom to the top, and then 2 exhaust mounted fans. I seem to not have a temperature difference with the fans on or off.

    After I got to my location I left the fans running for an additional 3 hours. Outside air temp was 75 degrees. After 3 hours I checked the fridge again and still was at that 55 degrees, so I figured I would let it sit over night and check in the morning. Still 55 and it stayed that way.

    As for the altitude, last year I had my camper up to 10,500 feet at my hunting area and it never had a problem staying cool. This trip was at about 7,500 feet. I know altitude can mess with them but even at my house at 5,000 feet it still won’t cool below 55 on propane.

    I was reading about the “roar” but maybe I’m wrong that you are suppose to hear that, definitely don’t want to blow up my camper and truck lol
  • Is this a stationary issue or an in transit issue?

    While in transit the flame may have blown out.
  • Even the residential absorption fridge we had when I was a kid the flame was not much bigger than the pilot light on a water heater. If you have a "roar" from the fridge, get out, and shut off gas.
    You said the temp went up while driving? Any chance more hot air blasting by the box raising the temp? Might see if it holds temp while parked.
    BTW, every time you open the door all the cold air falls out on your feet. The closer to full the better. When I was hosting in 100+ temps I would keep the fridge full of containers. When I remove a container of food, replaced with MT. (had a thermometer with sensor inside, outside readout. reduced the height and length of spikes)