96Bounder30E wrote:
wa8yxm wrote:
I believe Surging is "Too Rich". (Sputtering and misfiring is too lean). But do verify that with a good instruciton manual please.. It has been a long time since I played with carbs.
Surging is a function of running lean.......the carburetor is essentially running out of gas and the engine is starting to die when just enough gas re-enters the bowl of the carburetor bowl to let it continue to run again.....in otherwords.......your carburetor has a blocked passage....usually in the main jet.....the Onan jet can be removed once you remove the bowl......blowing out the jet with compressed air or using a piece of mono-filament fishing line will clean the small passages.......never use a paper clip or other metal wire......
96Bounder30E got it right. Surging is normally caused by a lean condition. If rich it will blow black smoke and sputter.