nas6car wrote:
thanks drycamper11 themode number is 5.5hgjab-5900d spec d, I cannot even locate the coil. is it internal? its definetly a split crowd, most of my friends say fuel pump or carb, I ruling out carb, just thought I would throw this at the experts before opening up wallet, thanks for your help.
That's a pretty recent model. I'll check my manuals, but it may be too new for me. I've got parts manuals , operating manuals, engine manuals and genset service manuals for all Onans stretching back 40+ years, but they stop in the early 2000's. If you don't get help here (I'll let you know what I find in my manuals), I strongly suggest you go to and ask in the Onan forum. Those guys really know everything there is to know about Onans.
BTW, what code are you getting?