Forum Discussion

darsben1's avatar
Jun 19, 2017

Onan emerald stator rebuild

Does anyone have a lead on where I can get an Onan stator rebuilt
Onan emerald 4000 BGE.
Local place cannot do as they do not have the specs on windings
  • Further update.
    After the Genny was out of the Motor home It was taken to Bailey electric in Corfu. Further Testing disclosed that the ROTOR windings are bad not the STATOR as I was originally told by a local shop.
    For everyone's info and after much searching the rotor in my Genny if purchased from Cummins would be about $1000.00. Rewinding is in the $400 - $450 range plus shipping
    Only 2 places that I found in the U.S will bother rewinding a rotor my size
    #1 Eurton Electric Co., Inc. 9920 Painter Ave Whittier CA 90605 POC
    #2Quality Armature 5259 W. Grand Ave. Chicago, IL 773.622.3951 POC ROCCO

    Hope this helps someone in the future
  • Thank you mexicowanderer. As soon as the stator is out of the Genny I am headed down there and I will be sure to ask that question
  • As a tip...

    Ask them if they can vacuum varnish and bake.

    What this means is, the finished windings are dipped in varnish. Then the stator assembly is immersed (along with a lot of other windings) into a big tank.

    The tank is pumped down to a high state of vacuum and left for a couple of hours.

    Then the stator is baked to cure the varnish.

    The vacuum does an amazing job eliminating micro air bubbles in the varnish.

    It doesn't only insulate

    It holds the windings as a matrix. making the assembly vibration proof.

    I have no idea if Onan does this as the OEM.

    I have found a place named Bailey electric 2186 Main rd Corfu, NY 14036
    7-5 pm (585) 599-6487. POC is named Josh.

    They state they can and will rewind Onan Stators
  • Thank you MEXICOWANDERER I am checking them out right now.

    Okay I contacted them and they do not rewind stators for 110 volt generators.
    The main office in Kent referred me to the Chula Vista facility.
    That facility said no. I called the main office again and spoke to someone in corporate office and they confirmed that they do not rewind stators for 110 volt generators.
    Thank you for the lead any other leads are appreciated
  • Proven reliability. They are the largest stator rewinders in the USA and did a 150 horsepower stator for a friend...



    8811 S. 208th St

    Kent, WA 98031

    Phone - 800-426-5005

    Fax - 425-264-0488
  • I did lots of looking and have found that
    can rewind the stator.
    I will update this thread as I go through the process of getting the stator rewound