I used to keep a bunch of old leftover can tips that I had cleaned and simply replace the tip when I encountered a clog..
Not so much now days, the clogs seem to happen deep in the can somewhere and all I end up is two tips that need cleaned and a completely full can of paint that if only I could get the clog cleared I would be so in debt to the can manufacturer for saving a couple of bucks and help not adding to the landfill a full can of paint..
The last 5-6 cans really have made me angry about that, didn't even get a full squirt before they clogged off completely.
Took a small board the length of the can, added a short heavy duty bungie and a 1/4" carriage bolt in the center of the board. Then strapped the can to the board and the leftover threads of the bolt go into my 3/8" drill..
Take the whole thing outside and twirl the can at high speed for 15 minutes (safety glasses and other precautions apply just in case it goes south in a hurry)..
Much less clog issues after it has spun for a while.
Have looked into paint shakers but even air driven ones are awful expensive.