Dangers of open neutral
On a 30 amp RV nothing 120v including the converter works, It is like the breaker is tripped
On a 50 amp RV plugged into 50 amps
50 amp service is 240 volt divided into two 120 volt legs but leg to leg it is 240 volts.
now how they keep the two legs 'Balanced' is the neutral If say one leg is hauling 20 amps and one 10 the neutral hauls the difference (10 amnps) but if the nutral is open, (Floating) then what happens is the "balance" point (Voltage) changes
So you can easily end up with one leg having say 200 volts, and the other 40.. Now on the 40 volt side very little, if anything will work
but on the 200 volt side, The magic smoke may tend to escape from your electronics.. This is not a good thing because electronics work on Magic Smoke. we know this because once it escapes. they stop working.. Stinks too. So if the tester says "OPEN NEUTRAL" well, do not use that circuit.