Ah Open Ground.. Ok, The safety ground is there for your safety.. Now. understand I am typing from EXPERIENCE.. Painful Experience.
Imagine you are holding a metal cased tool (Skill hand grinder) and there is an internal short. Hot to case (There was) Now the case is HOT.
Mains power is grounded, the neutral is bonded to ground at the pole and again at the service entrance so the Ground offers a return path.
And YOU are part of that path (I broke a few grinding points with that thing and finally went out and bought a Dremel of my own (It belonged to my boss)
Now I just suffered some pain.. But if I'd had that in the other hand....
The human body is ALMOST but not quite symeterical (Two halves mirrored)
Example you have a right hand and a left hand
But the HEART is a bit off center (To the left) Had I had that tool in my LEFT hand (I can use either hand) the current path would have been right THROUGH my heart and I might well NOT be typing this today.
And that folks. is the danger of an open ground...
EXCEPTION: If the outlet is GFCI protected.. The ground may be open on purpose as the GFCI will provide protection.