If I wanted to replace my 415 watt solar system, I would be buying 140 watt solar panels from this place for around $229.
SunElec.comAnd I would be buying $14 PWM controllers.
AliExpress.com and then search for PWM 20 amp controller.
They way I figure it, you are much better off spending the money on solar panels than on a very expensive MPPT controller.
That said, I did buy a Solarbost 50 amp controller back in 1999. Back then, it cost $430 to buy a 120 watt solar panel, and installing more solar panels would have been more expensive than changing to the MPPT controller.
Now MPPT controllers are much less expensive (I think I paid over $300 for mine in 1999). But PWM Controllers are really cheap.
So lets look at two theoretical systems.
Say you pick 3 each 100 watt panels at say $200 each, and a $150 MPPT controller.
Or you could pick 3 each 140 watt panels for $229 each and a pair of $14 controllers. I would guess that the cheap controllers will put more power into the battery for about the same cost.
Good luck with your solar system.