I finally got around to packing the bearings on this trailer I bought in November. All four hubs were adjusted WAY tight! Two of the small outer bearings were trashed because of it. The passenger side dust cap plugs had a hole cut out of the center. The brakes were way out of adjustment. One of the wires on one backing plate was rubbing on the seal because there was too much slack when the axle manufacturer assembled it. It had rubbed through the insulation and copper wire was showing.
The moral of this story is you need to take them apart and INSPECT everything because you don't know how many idiots have been in there before you.
P1010644 by
trailrider383, on Flickr
P1010643 by
trailrider383, on Flickr
IMG_20180602_124423164_HDR by
trailrider383, on Flickr
IMG_20180602_124900495 (1) by
trailrider383, on Flickr