May 31, 2021Nomad
So my plans have been to replace the WFCO converter in my 2015 20fw with a Progressive Dynamics retro-fit unit that essentially replaces the converter using the same 120v/12v power center. Part of this retrofit would be to replace the existing #8 conductor that goes from the power center to the batteries with a #2 to minimize loss over the length of the run. I would be doing this specifically for emergency charging if we were somewhere and the solar couldn't keep up with due to clouds. I know the WFCO units are considered pretty crummy compared to the Progressive Dynamics......But reading further, in the manual, the WFCO is "smart"(maybe not a genius) and has a 3 stage charging profile. Charges bulk @ 14.4, for 4 hrs which isn't great(the 14.4 part) but would probably work ok. Then it backs off to 13.6 for absorption mode and 13.2 for float. Since they are both multi stage charging units with similar profiles, what is the real advantage of the P.D.? Must be something better about them as Lance and ORV are using P.D. now in their coaches.