Heres my story on poor radio reception. I installed a JVC stereo in my 5th wheel. At the same time I upgraded my converter to a WFCO replacement unit. Got poor reception. I ended up buying a TuneTrapper antenna($39.00)that can be hidden in a closet or on top of the cabinets. Got awesome reception, was pulling in stations I couldn't get in the truck or house. Due to a defect in the converter I ended up replacing the WFCO with a Progressive Dynamics PD4645 converter and my reception went to just about zero, even with the TuneTrapper antenna. I tried everything suggested on this forum and others i.e. ground radio to frame,ferrite beads etc. nothing worked. Turns out Progressive Dymanics converters are notorious for emitting RFI which interferes with radio reception. As a last resort I ended up tying into my TV antenna (Wineguard)which was one of the first suggestions I received but didn't want to not use TuneTrapper antenna.Now I'm back in business ...perfect reception again. I guess the roof top antenna is far enough away and shielded from the converters RFI output?? Very easy to do. Buy a long car antenna extension cable (I got a 12 footer on Amazon for CHEAP money) cut the end that connects to the antenna off and simply put a RCA connector on it, plug the other end into the back of the stereo and attach to a good 2 way splitter going to your aerial antenna and your in business. I put the splitter in the ceiling where the crank for the antenna is.Feel free to PM me if you want/need more info.