2. Bulk charge at 14.8 volts for 2 to 4 hours, When the electrolyte starts to bubble shut it down?"
YES! But for crying out loud connect the Mega AC input to an Intermatic 4-hour spring wound timer. However long it took you to charge the battery the first time will be the same the 33rd time if the state of charge is depleted roughly the same. Judging the state of charge versus time is sorta like looking way over to the west and seeing the sun then assuming it isn't 8:00AM You quickly develop an intrinsic sense of how far to wind up that timer. The intermatic comes with a cover. Go to the hardware store and buy a PLASTIC receptacle box. Hooking up the timer is a joke/easy. A short wire then connects he timer to the Megawatt. Lazy people like me have the Intermatic timer knob next to the instrumentation amps and volt gauges.
Then there are some that don't want to do any of this. Hell they don't even want to read a newspaper. They want to recline in their EZBoy and have "the news" shouted at them from the television. They really need the voice command remotes, a feeding tube, and bedpan and they would really be Plug N Play.