Hedgehog wrote:
I literally have lost power approx. 48 total hours in 10 years. Any input would be appreciated.
Good grief, why bother? :h We're the same here - an occasional power bump from time to time, maybe loss of power for an hour or two sometime during the year, but other than that power loss is a rare occurrence. Back a few years ago when I did own a Honda EU2000i for camping I also set up the house furnace wiring so I could unplug it from the house and plug it directly into the genset. Here in S Ontario that would only be an issue during the winter as we obviously don't require the furnace during the summer. About the only other appliance I'd want to run during an extended power outage would be the kitchen fridge but that's as simple as running an extension cable from the fridge out to the genset in the backyard. That EU7000iS is a beauty but if it's going to be used so seldom it sure is a great way to throw your $$$$ away. :R