It is common for me to lose power for 48 hours a WEEK in the summer. I am quite sure if I lived where there was unnatural gas I would have selected that over diesel. Maintenance and freedom of having to fetch and store fuel.
El Choque Grande comes when it's time to replenish the fuel reserves. I have one monster carboy that holds 240 gallons. Translucent white plastic. A 1-ton pickup ferries it 44 miles back and forth to the gasolinera. A mere 19,000 pesos, or roughly one thousand dollars fills it and from there it fills 6 drums. Under a relatively light load the fuel will last 16-days. That's a pricey power bill. Lucky for me I need it to charge batteries 6 hours every third day. The freezers are jammed solid so they stay frozen for 72 hours.