Hedgehog wrote:
I just wanted advice on selecting a generator. The house wiring is already done. With the interlock, the generator can’t physically be turned on without the main breaker being shut off. So, can we get back on track with the original question. Like I originally posted, I am leaning towards the Honda em 6500 but also like the Honda eu7000. I just don’t know if I can justify the extra cash for the eu7000. Thank you
I think only you can answer this question for yourself. Both of your choices are likely to have excellent reliability. For the extra money the eu7000i will be quieter and use somewhat less fuel. The eu7000i power output is likely "cleaner", yet the output from the em6500s is probably good enough to do your job. For some people, the eu7000i advantages are of little value, and for others they are well worth the extra cost. It's your priorities that should make the decision, not somebody else's.