Almot wrote:
westend wrote:
Most of those wire size calculators should be used with two conductors since you have both a (+) and (-) phase. Don't know if the one you used calculates like that or not.
He didn't tell which one he used. Assuming it's Southwire - most people use it - you enter "single conductor" because it's obviously not a 3-phase, but you enter a total (+) and (-) run of your wire. Very often (though more often in roof installs than in portables) the + and - leads are different length, but it is the total + and - that counts.
In my case it doesn't matter which calculator I use because I don't know for sure which Voltage or Load Current from the panel specs I should be using. You know that old saying "garbage in garbage out." But the inputs pianotuna said he would use makes the most sense to me after doing a bunch more reading, studying & playing with them for awhile. I'm about ready to say to hell with solar & buy a big enough Charger to keep from killing the batteries even if I only get 2 of 3 hours of generator run time a day!!!