MrWizard wrote:
Tanks marked in gallons of water capacity, meaning total enclosed volume,
Not the propane full volume, full volume is 80% of water capacity,, that's the law,
Butane is also an LP Gas , in warmer climates the propane you buy will contain some butane, its lighter in weight per gallon than propane and doesn't vaporize at the same temperature as ,propane, so what your bottle weights when full is dependent on location and climate , the lp you are getting can vary
and a propane/butane mix has a higher boiling point than propane, So.... if you get LPG (note most places say LPG NOT propane, therefore they can sell a propane/butane mix) in a cylinder fill with a high % of butane and then hit a cold spell,...... you may find the boiling point is to high to get much vapor and don't get much flow.
Pure butane boils at 30F.... get near that temp and you've got a problem. Pure propane boils at -40F.
Similar to the problem of using to small a bottle of propane for the expected flow rate. e.g. disposable bottle on small patio heater. Propane boils fast, cools way down, vapor pressure drops like a rock.