Series panels in partial shade is not an option, way to much loss in performance over all. You will be very disappointed. If you can make the panels tilt to get them out of the shade then go for it.
I choose a different route after testing series vs parallel in shade. Two roof mounted panels with 4 way tilt system and two portable panels. If I can't get sun to the roof panels I just shut off their breaker. All panels are wired in parallel. This requires larger wire. 8 AWG for the portables since it is a 25 foot run.
For a 600Ah battery bank, 600 watts in full sun will be very marginal if you run the refrig off an inverter. We run ours off propane. Your battery bank will most likely be happier with 700 to 800 watts in full sun.
We use solar 99% of the time for 6 to 8 months. The other 1% is shore power and a portable smart charger.