Forget that SOC reading, since its shunt if any won't be across everything in the RV like a Trimetric's would be.
The Solar30 will do the job you want, but also the windynation PL30 (sp?) version will too. Costs more, but has that optional remote temp comp on a wire.
That remote temp comp might let you keep the controller inside the rig where you can see and get at it, while still keeping it close enough to the batteries with fatter wire as required. Be handy if you want to check or change something and it is nasty outside.
The Solar30's voltage adjustment range is 13.2 (ISTR) to 15v. The thing is, to get it to do what you set it for isn't so easy. You first have to do a calibration check.
Mine ran higher than set by a fixed amount and so does Niner's. To get 14.8 I set it to 14.3. If I set it to 15 I get 15.5 which has its uses :) I don't know if that means I can't get 13.2 but that would get me 13.7. 13.7 would be fine for me as it happens anyway. ISTR Niner's was only 0.3 over, not 0.5.
The actual display voltage reading is accurate though, and so is the amps reading (cross-checked with a meter)
Those panels are such a good deal at near $1/w you could splurge on any controller and come out ok over all. I have used four PWM controllers so far in my learning curve (a shunt type SCS, a series type LandStar 2024, a series RJ special, and the series Solar30 and I prefer the Solar30 by miles over the others.