jrnymn7 wrote:
What kind of connectors are the parrot beaks clamped to, in that pic?
Yes, you need something fat to clamp onto. The bare end of a #8 wire isn't really enough to grab.
They are set-screw terminals joined end to end with a nut and bolt. The #8 wires in the panel junction boxes go in them for the panel paralleling and it gives a big enough lump to clamp to.
Another way easier to buy, is to use those standard car battery post lead clamps with the squeeze nut and bolt. Put ring terminals on the pigtails from the panel junction boxes and use the squeeze bolt to hold the rings inside the clamp end with a fat nut to make up some space and squeeze them all tight. Now the parrot beak can clamp onto the big lead part.
(you need the spacer nut in the jaws or you can't squeeze tight enough without breaking off a jaw)
You can get lead battery posts that screw onto a bolt. You can clamp onto those if you get the pigtail rings onto the bolt somehow. Beware the thread sizes inside those posts as it is hard to get them to screw on tight when metric gets involved or whatever is the matter.
Anything with a lumpy end that will take a nut and bolt will do I suppose