Send FORTY VOLTS from the panels to the stepdown then to the rig's solar controller.
It's silly to deal with cable when hardware store 10 gauge extension cord will work fine. Slap the 600 watt on the back of one panel, the other one the bucker where the power comes into the rig. A 75% reduction in circular mil conductor AWG is no joke. Makes a 60' extension a lot easier. Need more power? Buy another boost buck pair and slap the second booster on another panel and run a second cord. Running 60' jumper cables ain't where it's at...
Forget the boost converter just start out with a 230w 24v panel. Add up to 250 feet of 10 gauge (one way), connect to the bucker for 17v out just prior to the Solar30 and away you go. The Solar30 could handle 2 panels with 2 buckers. Might need BFL13's bucker: