Thanks everyone for the help.
CA traveler - Thanks for the info on my generator, good to know it can provide the power.
Vulcan - My generator's 12 V output is 8 amps.
Vulcan - "How long does it take your "standard" charging arrangement to do this task?"
This is why I'm looking for an alternate method to charge the batteries.
Tow vehicle provides 8 amps.
Portable solar provides 8.5 amps (on a good day).
The year old travel trailer's WFCO 8955 is the problem child.
I conducted a test. Drew the batteries down to 43% and hooked the gas generator up to the trailer's 30 amp receptacle. Every 15 minutes I recorded the amp flow and voltage. 15 minutes into the test the batteries were receiving 17.9 amps and 13 volts. The amp flow slowly declined throughout the test and voltage very slowly increased. I stopped the test at 7 hours and 15 minutes. My last recording showed the batteries now receiving 6.4 amps and 13.5 volts. The batteries were now at 80%. Average current flow for the test was 11.26 amps.
The next day, I used the solar panels to complete the charge to 100% state of charge.
rixi - Thanks for the link.