When I put a couple of new 12 volt deep cycle AGM batteries in our RV over two years ago, I looked at Lifeline and Fullriver. The 72 lb. 115 amp hour Fullriver was only slightly less expensive than the closest equivalent 125 amp hour 75 lb. Lifeline model. Upon researching I discovered that Fullriver batteries are used all over the world, including extensively in marine applications. At the time Fullriver also suppled a different colored rebranded 12 volt deep cycle battery model to Rolls Surrette for resale under the Rolls Surrette name. I picked Fullriver over Lifeline because the specified float voltage of the Fullriver exactly matched the nominal output of my RV's converter. The Lifetime battery I was considering required a 0.3 volt lower float voltage - per their spec sheet and per verbally to me when I called Lifeline.
Here's the Fullriver battery model I installed two-of to get the 230 amp hours we need for 2-3 days of drycamping (we don't have solar, but have a built-in generator and carry along a small portable generator):