greenrvgreen wrote:
Fired up the little gennie and plugged in the Meanwell. Voltage at Meanwell studs is 14.40. Voltage at charging clamps with 3 ft of 12awg is 14.40. On a 3-batt bank (103ah) I applied pos and neg to batt 3 and got say 14.20 at batt 3. Measured across all three batts, pos to batt 1 and neg to batt 3, I got 14.10, a tenth of a volt lower. Charging across all three batts and measuring only one, I get the same relationship, one tenth of a volt lower. Can I infer anything?
BTW, it runs well on my 450w gennie!
All you can infer is that you have small voltage drop in leads. With typical voltmeter specifications, all readings are essential the same. For example, if you check the voltmeter specs it will read +/- one or two counts. Thus 14.1,14.2,14.3are essentially the same.