Itinerant1 - great 4/15 post.
I have a similar setup and fought to runAC without MicroAire when hot, especially at any altitude; and still am not confident in the Westinghouse genny/Magnum inverter relationship . My setup: 540AHr BB, Magnum3k Boost inverter, Westinghouse i4500 genny, MicroAire on both ACs.
Prior to installing soft starts the Magnum voltage monitor circuitry would detect too much drop from the genny when starting and kick the genny out: if in pass through just starting a new ‘hook up’ loop and not passing voltage through; if in boost it would then run AC solely off of battery. After spending lots of time with Magnum tech support I’ve got VAC dropout as low as it goes (60VAC) but wish Magnum was more tolerant of the droop, or had a setting to accommodate it.
Even after adding soft starts I had some issue a few weeks ago with genny/inverter compatibility that I didn’t fully resolve.
I have run AC on just the BBs, but when drawing ~150A for extended periods circuits heat up more than I’m comfortable with and IR drop within BBs along with 4/0 wiring starts to bring voltages down below 13.0 pretty quickly and trending below 12.0 where some cutoffs come into play.
All of that background is to provide my experience with Westinghouse/Magnum (in)compatibility and to ask if you have other thoughts on my experience. I suspect Honda does much better with surge droop so you may never have seen this. Thoughts?