Pogoil wrote:
John&Joey wrote:
Cloud Dancer wrote:
Why do people keep using such a product as self-leveling Dicor? ...
Same reason the maker of the coaches do. Last 10-15 years, reasonable priced, and isn't labor intensive.
The Dicor failure rate is on coaches that are not maintained and the roof is 10-15 years old. Cracks have formed and water got deep enough to get under the caulk.
On a 10-15 year old coach does it really make sense to put a 30-40 year repair job on? That RV may only last another 5-15 years. JMO
Makes complete sense to me not to use Dicor. I have never seen Dicor last much more then 5 years, have seen it fail well before that.
Gaco Roof is all I use now. Comes in a gallon and paint it right over Dicor on all seams and around all roof, fridge and other vents. It has a 50 year warranty. Dicor cracks open and I have had Eternabond fail on me 2 times on 2 different RVs. And yes they were both prepped properly. I have used this product on rubber, fiberglass, rolled asphalt and metal roofs. Never again will I fall victim to Dicor.
"Never again will I fall victim to Dicor."
You do know that Gaco is silicone and is not recommended for rubber RV roofs :E. I was impressed with that stuff till I read it was 100% silicone. Now I wonder how long it will adhere for the guys I saw that put it on. Maybe a couple of years before it starts peeling when they twist their foot while washing the roof?