John&Joey wrote:
Pogoil wrote:
John&Joey wrote:
Cloud Dancer wrote:
Why do people keep using such a product as self-leveling Dicor? ...
Same reason the maker of the coaches do. Last 10-15 years, reasonable priced, and isn't labor intensive.
The Dicor failure rate is on coaches that are not maintained and the roof is 10-15 years old. Cracks have formed and water got deep enough to get under the caulk.
On a 10-15 year old coach does it really make sense to put a 30-40 year repair job on? That RV may only last another 5-15 years. JMO
Makes complete sense to me not to use Dicor. I have never seen Dicor last much more then 5 years, have seen it fail well before that.
Gaco Roof is all I use now. Comes in a gallon and paint it right over Dicor on all seams and around all roof, fridge and other vents. It has a 50 year warranty. Dicor cracks open and I have had Eternabond fail on me 2 times on 2 different RVs. And yes they were both prepped properly. I have used this product on rubber, fiberglass, rolled asphalt and metal roofs. Never again will I fall victim to Dicor.
"Never again will I fall victim to Dicor."
You do know that Gaco is silicone and is not recommended for rubber RV roofs :E. I was impressed with that stuff till I read it was 100% silicone. Now I wonder how long it will adhere for the guys I saw that put it on. Maybe a couple of years before it starts peeling when they twist their foot while washing the roof?
Yep sure do and it has been on 2 of the 3 rubber roofs I have done for almost 3 years no signs of any lifting any where on the roof.
When I applied it I spoke to the technical department at Gaco and he said the petroleum distillates in it would not hurt the rubber roof and sent me a test kit to check adhesion.
Am not sure if they still recommend it for rubber roofs but at the time they did. I will use this product till I find a better one but this appears to beat Dicor hands down.
I stand by my words, Best roof sealant I have ever used. So far the roofs I have done and the several friends that have used it have had no failures.
I will say this, if the roof or your shoes are wet you will fall all the way to the ground. Slick and very shiny surface. Stuff does not seem to stick or grow on it.