A reasoin not even to trust the tire makers, is that monney is involved.
If TT- or 5thwheel- maker would have to put LT tires under them , they would need, or larger tires, or higher loadrange tires wich are more expensive for them, and their proffit is less. That is why tire makers make ST tires , wich to my opinion is yust slightly different then LT , but calculated in their maximum load for lower speed so more deflection allowed.
Then with a cheapeer tire for the TT maker the GAWR is covered .
But using exact calculated pressure for the GAWR , or considdering an unequall load R/L, would still give the tire more deflection so more heatproduction so less fuel economy , and most important lesser reserve and by that more tire failure.
That is why they stronly advice to use maximum pressure of tire , to give most tires the reserve they need so lesser tire failure.But because mostly the tires bare yust enaugh to cover the GAWR, this max pressure of tire is mostly not even enaugh, and still tire failure.
Then they give waranty only on the tires and then even less for the years you used them. The damage to your TT or 5thwh is not payed.
Yust to avoid further claims.