Landy that is pure fustercluckspeak from your friendly Orwellian mouthpieces.
The raw and pure energy consumed in the battery recycling process ADDED to the energy needed to reconstruct raw material (including brand new petroleum used to make the battery case) is absurdly greater than minuscule watts that are probably never going to be saved by psychotic over-management and mistreatment by cannabis warped rationalization by younger generation engineers.
It is idiocy, pure and simple.
The only rational way I see around this is for folks fortunate enough to have the resources to purchase a new rig. Spend the money and opt for a separate 2nd charging system. But it doesn't stop there. The 2nd alternator needs to have it's misguided testosterone supply euniched. The voltage regulator cut out like a vile hunk of malignancy.
For a 5th wheel, a remote rectifier with a decent adjustable voltage regulator would be magic. A 270-ampere ND hairpin alternator connected to a remote rectifier 25 feet distant in a 5th wheel has the ability to saturate absorbsion charge SIX GC batteries. Two hours of vehicle charging would (BFL13) 40/90 fill those batteries. Know of a 270-ampere converter or battery charger? FORGET ALTERNATOR OVERHEATING! With the hood popped and using a remote voltage regulator and rectifier overheating is not in the playbook.
Somebody needs to get off their fat *** and develop a MOSFET rectifier rectification package for alternators. Sequential phase gate triggering...
But Detroit, and the idiot swamp gang are enchanted with WINDOWS 20, version of alternator management.
A read a report that stated in a panic that our younger generation has lost an average of 15-17 points on the Wechsler IQ test average. My suspicion it is caused by a form of vegetation. The proof of the phenomenon is irrefutable.
Life by algorithm. It suits the mentality...