Old Norcold unit was N611RT, new unit is NA7LXR.
First I called Giant RV, since its close and its where we bought our rig. I then called Camping World. Giant RV
wouldn't have an appointment available until Aug 31, and their quote was $1000 more than CW for a replacement fridge.
We went early to try to avoid traffic, but with our appointment at 1:30, they shifted it to 2:00 (but without notice). Ok,
30 minutes isn't a big deal. We were called to put the rig in the service bay within 20 min of our arrival (11:00).
Job was specified as 2 hours.
It APPEARED that work commenced immediately, but the job wasn't done until after 4:00. At that time we discovered that the
front panels were moved from the old unit to the new unit. DW was livid, as she expected everything all new.
I was informed that this is standard, that new panels don't come with the new unit and are ordered separately. I think
the service writer does not know this, nor informs customers about it. I was not going to pay for panels. They did fit
the old panels using a supplied trim piece which made up the difference in size.
Initially, the service writer said I would get a $100 rebate from Norcold. Actually, its not applied at the time of
purchase. One has to get on the website norcold.com/2018rebate, and you will need the model and s/n of both the old
AND the new units. Since both units are Norcold, the rebate is only $50. If the old unit is not Norcold, the rebate
is $100.