RLS7201 wrote:
dougrainer wrote:
IF you have the adjustable tstat button on the control panel, then sliding the Thermister on the fins will have no affect at all. The sliding of the Thermister is for non adjustable Auto Temp refers. Doug
WHY? If the Thermistor on both the adjustable and non-adjustable models read the fin temperature and the fin temperature is warmer at the top, why wouldn't moving the Thermistor on the adjustable models have an effect?
Inquiring mind want to know.
Thanks for your explanation of this phenonenom
Simple. The Adjustable Thermister senses the temp of the evap fins and sends an OHM signal to the control board. There are 5 temp measurements. Lets call them for simplicity 1-40 degrees, 2-38 degrees, 3 -36 degrees, 4-34 degrees, 5-32 degrees. The Evap fins will be 10 degrees colder than the actual temp of the items in the refer------If the fin temp is 26 degrees, the items if the refer will be 36 degrees and at THAT temp on selection setting (3) the fins will be 26 degrees, the items (refer ) will be 36. It makes NO difference HOW the Thermister senses that 26 degree fin temp. Once it sense's it, it will shut the refer OFF as the tstat has been satisfied. The Thermister does NOT sense the actual temp in the refer but the Evap fin temp. Moving the Thermister up and down on an Auto temp just means it runs longer to get the Auto temp thermistor to trip and shut off which means it will get colder on a hotter side of the fins. You can take either type Thermister OFF the Fin and let hang and the refer will operate at its fullest cold which usually means freezing items in the refer. This reminds me of my wife. She is adamant that at home, if she puts the Home AC at 60 degrees when the house is at 80 degrees, the house will get colder QUICKER to 72 degrees, rather than just setting it at 72 degrees and letting the AC do its job. The AC systems do not get cold quicker when you set the temp lower than you want:B Doug