Rmack1 wrote:
ScottG wrote:
I had a cooling unit rebuilt and had a chance to talk to a local rebuilder at length about how these units work and fail.
Several specifics they commented on were:
When the damage is done, it's done. There is nothing we can do to remove or lesson the blockage. (They showed me a section of tube that was blocked and it was like rock)
Units leak more often when they are turned off between frequesnt trips. They feel this causes thermal stress to the tubing that results in cracks. Leaving it on between trips keeps it warm with very little change in temps.
The damage adds up. Units are hurt a little at a time so the unit gradually gets weaker. This shows up when its hot and it has to run constantly.
They experimented with running them off level and found blockage has already occured within 15 minutes.
Is having the cooling unit rebuilt cheaper than buying a new frig?
Yes, but sometimes it isn't worth it.
In my case my fridge is 14 years old. So if I had to replace the cooling unit ($600 to $800 if I do it myself and probably more than $1100 if I have it done) I'd still have old electronics, etc. If it fails now I'd probably get a brand now fridge.
I like the new Dometic compressor fridges...