Rmack1 wrote:
Strabo wrote:
I've ran ours off level for a few days, didn't harm it. Are you on propane?
I can do propane. I'm on 30 amps now, so I use that mostly. I turn it off to use the microwave, because that trips breakers in my friends system otherwise.
Running it off level for days..no harm
No harm that you notice YET! It will catch up with you
Off level operation interrupts the gravity flow which can cause overheating. Overheating causes sodium chromate to crystallize which plates out on tubing. That creates an obstruction which interrupts the gravity flow..more overheating....more crystals formed ...more plating....etc etc etc
This effect is accumulative and PERMANENT ......
Propane/electric........all the same
Heat source doesn't matter
Propane will start the cooling cycle a little quicker on initial startup but that is only for the first few hours.