14.4V is normal when battery is "near" full. This type of controller cuts the excess voltage off, while passing all the amps through. PV amps drop because battery is near full and can't accept more current.
Controller should not measure panel temps. It measures temps at the sensor, and the sensor is either remote on wire, or inside the controller. If sensor is close to the panel, it will screw your setpoints up. Setpoints, i.e. Bulk 14.4V and Float 13.6V, should be changed when battery temps change, hence the correct placement of sensor would be on the battery or very close to it - not on the panel.
I also noted in my manual that you can configure the controller to change it's algorithm to be more efficient as the panel temps go up.
Content of Renogy kits varies, God knows what controller you've got and whether the manual is the right one, but this phrase sounds like part Chinglish and part marketing hype. You don't change algorithm when temps change. But you should change setpoints then. If controller has temp compensation feature and it works, it will change setpoints automatically. It will lower or raise the setpoints when temps are getting higher or lower, respectively.
The Load screen wasn't showing a load and I had turned ON all of my LED lights in the camper.
If you don't use the Load terminals, it will not show any load. Normally, people don't use those.