BurbMan wrote:
Vintage465 wrote:
Seems to me that PD makes a lot of different stuff and they may not all have the same features. Here is what mine says and has about the mysterious button

No...As shown here there are different charge modes. The software controls what charge mode the PD is in, unless you push the button and change it. All the Wizard does is let you move that button to a more convenient location.
The main use case is if you are boondocking and using the batteries and have limited generator time, you can use the wizard to force the PD into boost mode and get more battery charge from your gen run time. Other than that, there is no need to "turn it off", just leave it alone.
Based on a conversation with a PD Tech Rep this "boost" mode can also be used if you convert to LifePo4 batteries and want to use the existing converter with Charge Wizard. Just force the Boost Mode which now causes the output voltate to 14.4 volts. Once the batteries have charged to ~90% and the converter has switched to Absorption voltage (~13.8 v) forcing back into Boost Mode will top off the battery and cell balancing occurs above 14 volts.
If one doesn't mind this manual step, which really only needs to be done occasionally if they have plenty of battery capacity, it can save the need to replace the converter.
PD doesn't publish this because they prefer to sell new converters:)