BFL13 wrote:
It is obviously silly to compare the Jack vs the Batwing without the Wingman for UHF and say the Jack does better. Of course it does, but so what? Apples and Oranges.
im not sure if that's true.. I did two tests "real world" in the RV. The first one was with and without the Wingman, the second was with the Jack. I'll have to go back and look at what happened, but IIRC the non-wingman Batwing still did better by itself than the 'Batman'. And VHF was always significantly better, the Wingman had no affect on that anyway.
These days "extreme" doesn't mean what it did in the analog days. If your TV can't get over the digital "cliff effect", then you're done, there is no noisy picture to live with, it's black. All that may take is an nice temperature inversion across the bay you're camped on to drop the signal out of the tuner.
(Much Later) I just went back and looked at the Batwing, Batman, and Jack on the test. Remember, LOWER numbers are better..
On the analyzer the stock Batwing is looking at the carrier from Mt. Wilson at -62. ADD the Wingman (Batman), and that number jumps to -59. That's a 100% increase, so the Winegard sales hype is correct. 3db is 100%. Sounds better than 3db..
Now, go back and look at the same carrier (M1) on the Jack.. It comes in at -65db, 2db worse than a stock Batwing, and 6db worse than the Batman. That, according to Winegard hype would make the Batman 200% better on UHF. The difference between the Batwing and the Jack on VHF is significantly better (Jack being worse) than that even.
And a personal gripe: There have been people for several years trying to poo-poo this test saying it's "not real world", even making fun of them which is ridiculous and really shows how little they understand nor care to.. This test was done "in the field", on a motorhome (mine, crappy coax and all), in exactly the same place, under an hour to make sure the weather didn't influence anything. To them (not anybody on this thread) I say simply they have no idea what they're talking about.. period. The numbers don't lie and I ain't got no way to skew them. That's why the screenshots were provided.