There's initial price and there's overall value. I prefer the latter.
No experience with Champion generators, but provided they're good, you can buy a lightly used Hinda for about the same $. Beyond that, cheap is cheap. Period. Will a Horribke Freight generator work for 2 weeks or 2 years? Probably?
Will a Honda work for 20 years with nothing but fresh gas and oil changes? Yup.
Consider this in your purchase when balancing your financial situation with your expectations.
Another consideration is residual value. A new $1000 Honda 2k or a low hours used one for $700 or so is still a $5-700 generator years down the road if you want or need to sell it.
I've seen some of the little Honda 2k gennys at work with upwards of 1000hiirs on them and they never get an oil change. Typically run until someone pulls the cord out of it after trying to start it on low oil shutdown, cord fixed, oil added, run some more. the ones that don't last us that long are because they get stolen, submergerd or smashed.