Forum Discussion
Aug 17, 2014Explorer
8-16-14 OP Update:
It has been a week since our Kitchenaid residential refrigerator in our 2013 MH stopped cooling. We had a local Mr. Appliance repair person diagnose a ‘compressor / sealed cooling system failure’ on 8/12/14.
We spent the week working through several options we thought might be available. Sharing with you now, in case anything is helpful to others with a Residential Refrigerator in your RV.
We have a mini questionnaire to ask the forum, “What Would You Do?” Here some options we have explored thus far:
1. Determine if Kitchenaid’s (yrs 2-5) extended warranty for ‘sealed cooling system’ will provide repair or replacement for the Kitchenaid Residential Refrigerator in our MH?
2. Determine if Good Sam Extended Warranty contract we purchased with new MH will provide repair, replacement, or reimbursement if we pay costs direct to vendor for repairs in order to remove one of the ‘stumbling blocks’ that some repair businesses won’t do ‘warranty’ work?
3. Determine if other reviews exist regarding ‘compressor problems’ with Kitchenaid refrs, and if this seems to be a ‘well-known’ issue with Kitchenaid Residential Refrigerators, explore option of replacing with a brand new, and/or different brand name residential refrigerator?
4. Determine whether to pursue to completion repairs/replacement now – even if that means not taking any trips in MH for a month to perhaps two months. Or, find out who, what, & how the refrg problem ‘can’ be solved, but travel now while weather in Midwest is suitable, and do all the repair steps November-December ?
To help with your understanding of each option, I am updating what we learned about the options – fyi. Some options proved to have more “surprises in the process”— not all were positive or encouraging (sigh).
Feel free to read, delete, or skip what follows as you choose.
My Calls to Kitchenaid (Refrig mfr) – The first person I spoke with (on 8/12/14) said it would be sometime in Sept. before their ‘one’ authorized Kitchenaid tech in our area could even ‘come to make a diagnosis.’ We had hoped to find a repair solution sooner than waiting until Sept., (nearly 2 months to wait) so we did not schedule anything with Kitchenaid on that call date.
But, after 2 more days and my many calls this week to various local refrigeration repairmen, it became apparent that trying to find anyone to do the ‘sealed cooling system’ (need new compressor, etc) repairs was proving a bigger challenge than we expected. And, we decided we should at least ‘get on the list’ for a Kitchenaid ‘authorized tech to officially diagnose” the refrigerator problem – even if that meant waiting until sometime in Sept. Otherwise, there wasn’t any chance at all the ‘extended Kitchenaid limited warranty ( yrs 2-5) on the sealed cooling system’ would pay a dime to repair the residential refrigerator in our MH. So, on Wednesday (8/14/14), I again called the Kitchenaid phone number. (Note: this is evidently a special ph. number for Kitchenaid’s “Trade Partner Support Team (for RVs)” which the Winnebago Svc. Admin person directed me to call in order to pursue the mfr. Warranty coverage on the Kitchenaid residential refrigerator in our MH.
On Wed, 8/14/14, I spoke with a different staff member at Kitchenaid this time, who clarified the following:
• If the Kitchenaid Authorized Tech diagnosis was NOT ‘a sealed cooling system failure’ – the problem is NOT covered; and the cost for the Tech’s diagnosis appointment was NOT covered by the mfr. Warranty.
• However, if their authorized tech diagnosis determines it IS a sealed cooling system failure – the service call and repair would be made under the ‘extended yr 2-5’ portion of our Kitchenaid refr. Limited warranty terms.
• The staff person said he could NOT tell me what the diagnosis service call charge would cost. That is up to the tech to decide. (i.e,, I would be committing to an unspecified charge to diagnose, if it is not sealed cooling system failure.)
• The staff person said he could NOT tell me whether the tech could ‘make cooling system repairs in the space inside our MH, or whether the refr would have to be removed from the MH, repaired off –site, and reinstalled in the MH when repairs completed.’ That is up to the tech to decide.
• Also, I was not sure if the staff person clarified if the warranty paid to remove/reinstall the refr in the MH should the tech decide removal was required in order to repair the refr. ?
• When asked if repair costs were close / equal to price for new, would warranty provide a new refr instead of repairs? Staff member replied, first must diagnose, but warranty is only for repairs.
• The staff member did say we could cancel the appointment later, too, by contacting the authorized tech directly; and the staff member would provide a tech name / ph. Number IF we schedule the diagnosis appointment.
• This staff person made an “diagnosis” appointment for August 28, 2014 (much sooner than the first person I spoke with 2 days earlier at Kitchenaid said was available). That was at least a little more positive news.
• B U T ….at 8:30 am the very next morning (8/15/14), the ‘one authorized Kitchenaid Tech in our area’ called and said to me, “WE DO NOT WORK ON APPLIANCES IN RVs.” So, the ‘Kitchenaid anointed’ repair business (& the only authorized Kichenaid repair business in our area per the 8/12/14 call I made), had therefore just CANCELED our only means of qualifying for Kitchenaid extended warranty coverage! I was so flabbergasted at their cancelling, I simply clarified they indeed had just ‘canceled?’
The “Kitchenaid Anointed repair business:”
An hour or two later, after I thought about it, I decided I should call the Kitchenaid’s authorized / anointed repair business back, clarify, and make sure I had heard them correctly: the appointment Kitchenaid made on our behalf was cancelled? The several questions I asked this business staff member were:
• Is the person I am speaking with now, the same person who called me this a.m to cancel ? (YES)
• Did Kitchenaid give them both the model & serial number/s for my refrigerator needing repairs? (YES)
• Do you / this business KNOW this IS a KITCHENAID RESIDENTIAL REFRIGERATOR, and NOT an RV type equipment? (YES)
• So, I asked, “To clarify, you will NOT come diagnose the problem because it is located in an RV (MH), even though it is ‘Residential’ equipment?” (CORRECT – they do not work on any appliances located in RVs.)
• She then quickly added, “Oh, and your address is out of our ‘range’ “
• I asked, “What is that range?” (Staff person replied, “30 miles.”)
• I replied, “We are only appx. 35 miles from your business address, is there a way we can pay an ‘up charge’ for the extra 5 miles?” (NO)
• I then asked, “Do we need to notify Kitchenaid that you have cancelled, or do you do let Kitchen aid know that?” (She replied, “We already sent an email this morning to Kitchenaid that [the repair business] had canceled the appointment and provided Kitchenaid with [repair business’] ‘reasons.’ “)
This was not a good result. Thus, my earlier comment posted on this forum, ‘this is a Kitchenaid problem’ stands. Call me crazy, but it is my belief, a Kitchenaid corp. phone line that answers your call with: ‘Trade Partners Support Team’ (i.e., a ph. Number, per Winnebago’s understanding, specifically to provide customer ‘support’ for RV applications/products sold to Winnebago &/or other RV mfrs. for use in RVs) should NOT consider a repair business ‘authorized’ – if that business refuses to accept even the initial repair ‘diagnosis’ appointment for appliances located in an RV!
BTW – if you read Amazon or other similar reviews, there does appear to be a ‘short life span for Kitchenaid Refr compressors.’ These were in stick/brick homes --- not bouncing down rough roads in RVs.
My Call to Good Sam Extended Warranty: I was able to clarify process as follows:
• A “claim” does not exist / get created, until a Vendor calls Good Sam Extended Warranty. (My 2 phone calls to GS EW are noted in their computer system, and do fulfill prior notification, but no “claim” is started until a Vendor calls to seek approval to do the work.)
• A Vendor must be affiliated with an RV dealership, or in our case, would need to be licensed in the state to do the type of work to be performed, and have a state Tax I.D. (I don’t see this item as any problem to fulfill, just noting – fyi steps.)
• GS EW analysts decide whether to approve, deny, or may require an inspection prior to deciding the claim status. Also, this can all be done by phone, fax, or email – ‘paperless’ said the GS staff member with whom I spoke.
• When I asked how long it takes ‘on-average’ for the approve/deny step, I was told usually while on-phone with vendor, within minutes. But, if GS EW wants an inspection, that would be done usually within 24-48 hours of Vendor’s call for a claim, before it could be approved/denied.
• If, after the vendor calls for a claim, and if claim was already approved by GS EW – but you or vendor change mind and decide not to proceed …. ONLY the Vendor can call/contact GS EW to ‘CANCEL A CLAIM.’ Yes, you heard me correctly. I commented to the staff member … that sounds crazy. I paid for the extended warranty, it is my coach, but I cannot cancel? This means once the Vendor is IN the loop – the policy owner is OUT of the loop? To be fair, staff member said that is correct – only Vendor who files claim/starts/ receives GS EW approval step can be the one to cancel said claim. But added, “You [MH owner] are still welcome to call GS EW to check on status, call with questions, etc. anytime (normal business hours, M-F).”
• So… the moral of that seems to be: make sure the Vendor who calls about your repair IS without a doubt the one you want to make said repair?
• And, staff member said – if the Vendor cancels, then no claim exists any longer, and you start over.
• When I then asked, can we pay the cost directly to a vendor, and be reimbursed by GS EW, i.e., because repair person refuses to do ‘warranty’ jobs? Staff member replied, NO, only a vendor will be paid. If we/owner of MH pay any costs on our own, it is our choice, and GS EW would not reimburse us.
• When I also asked, if the cost for repair is equal to, or close to, the cost for a new refr; or, because the ‘known issues with existing refr brand’s compressor history,’ we would prefer to buy a new refr from a box store, does GS EW pay for a replacement? Staff member says, NO, GS EW only pays for ‘repairs’ as set out in [your] contract terms, and does not reimburse you/MH owner for any expenses you choose to do on your own.
• At this point, I admit, I complained albeit mildly, not angrily, that the process is confusing, and that I can see now why people on-line grumble about the extended warranty contract process.
FYI - I made 6 unsuccessful calls to refrigeration businesses trying to find a ‘repair person who IS licensed/trained to do sealed cooling system repairs,’ & who is willing to come look at the refrigerator (out of the cubby), but while refr is still in the MH. We wanted to find someone to look at it, who has the specialized equipment needed for cooling system repair, to tell us if they would be willing to do our repair. Finally, 1 “cooling system licensed” repairman came to see our refr yesterday. We still had the Refr setting on the riser, out of the cubby, in the aisle of MH. He gave us an additional reason why NOT to have it repaired inside MH. But said space was large enough to lay it on the floor, face down to do the work if we didn’t want to remove refr from the MH. He explained, when heating the copper tubes to 1200 degrees or more, the gas inside turns to acid, making a very strong, acrid odor. And indicated it could take a while for that smell to ‘leave.’ Fyi – However, this person would also want direct payment from us. He does not do ‘warranty’ work – saying ‘it just takes way too long to get paid.’ Thus, if we want Kitchenaid, or GS EW warranty to cover this repair, this repairman could not do the work. In addition, upon hearing his info for odor concerns, we believe whatever option we choose will have to include removal of the refr from the MH, repair or replace, and reinstall the Ref. into the MH cubby. If we take the MH to an RV dealership, say in a larger city, perhaps there would also be other ‘authorized’ Kitchenaid repair businesses available. And, if removed from the MH, the refr could be worked on at the refrigeration repair business’ address, then returned to RV dealership to re-install refr to MH cubby?
So, Where Are We NOW?
Well, we have lots of new information. We have returned Refr to the cubby, and secured the brackets, so the ‘dead’ Refr is back in the cubby again (still non-operable), and the MH ‘could’ be driven on the road. The RV trip we had planned, had to be canceled when the Refr failed.
And we are left to decide # 4. – do we NOT travel until all repairs are completed? Or, do we WAIT to make repairs until Nov-Dec time frame for repairs, so that we can travel in our MH – ‘without an operating refrigerator’ in the MH for now?
What would you do?? What option would you / have you pursued if you had a refrigerator fail?
Thanks again for all the help, caring, and support! Happy RV Travels to All !
It has been a week since our Kitchenaid residential refrigerator in our 2013 MH stopped cooling. We had a local Mr. Appliance repair person diagnose a ‘compressor / sealed cooling system failure’ on 8/12/14.
We spent the week working through several options we thought might be available. Sharing with you now, in case anything is helpful to others with a Residential Refrigerator in your RV.
We have a mini questionnaire to ask the forum, “What Would You Do?” Here some options we have explored thus far:
1. Determine if Kitchenaid’s (yrs 2-5) extended warranty for ‘sealed cooling system’ will provide repair or replacement for the Kitchenaid Residential Refrigerator in our MH?
2. Determine if Good Sam Extended Warranty contract we purchased with new MH will provide repair, replacement, or reimbursement if we pay costs direct to vendor for repairs in order to remove one of the ‘stumbling blocks’ that some repair businesses won’t do ‘warranty’ work?
3. Determine if other reviews exist regarding ‘compressor problems’ with Kitchenaid refrs, and if this seems to be a ‘well-known’ issue with Kitchenaid Residential Refrigerators, explore option of replacing with a brand new, and/or different brand name residential refrigerator?
4. Determine whether to pursue to completion repairs/replacement now – even if that means not taking any trips in MH for a month to perhaps two months. Or, find out who, what, & how the refrg problem ‘can’ be solved, but travel now while weather in Midwest is suitable, and do all the repair steps November-December ?
To help with your understanding of each option, I am updating what we learned about the options – fyi. Some options proved to have more “surprises in the process”— not all were positive or encouraging (sigh).
Feel free to read, delete, or skip what follows as you choose.
My Calls to Kitchenaid (Refrig mfr) – The first person I spoke with (on 8/12/14) said it would be sometime in Sept. before their ‘one’ authorized Kitchenaid tech in our area could even ‘come to make a diagnosis.’ We had hoped to find a repair solution sooner than waiting until Sept., (nearly 2 months to wait) so we did not schedule anything with Kitchenaid on that call date.
But, after 2 more days and my many calls this week to various local refrigeration repairmen, it became apparent that trying to find anyone to do the ‘sealed cooling system’ (need new compressor, etc) repairs was proving a bigger challenge than we expected. And, we decided we should at least ‘get on the list’ for a Kitchenaid ‘authorized tech to officially diagnose” the refrigerator problem – even if that meant waiting until sometime in Sept. Otherwise, there wasn’t any chance at all the ‘extended Kitchenaid limited warranty ( yrs 2-5) on the sealed cooling system’ would pay a dime to repair the residential refrigerator in our MH. So, on Wednesday (8/14/14), I again called the Kitchenaid phone number. (Note: this is evidently a special ph. number for Kitchenaid’s “Trade Partner Support Team (for RVs)” which the Winnebago Svc. Admin person directed me to call in order to pursue the mfr. Warranty coverage on the Kitchenaid residential refrigerator in our MH.
On Wed, 8/14/14, I spoke with a different staff member at Kitchenaid this time, who clarified the following:
• If the Kitchenaid Authorized Tech diagnosis was NOT ‘a sealed cooling system failure’ – the problem is NOT covered; and the cost for the Tech’s diagnosis appointment was NOT covered by the mfr. Warranty.
• However, if their authorized tech diagnosis determines it IS a sealed cooling system failure – the service call and repair would be made under the ‘extended yr 2-5’ portion of our Kitchenaid refr. Limited warranty terms.
• The staff person said he could NOT tell me what the diagnosis service call charge would cost. That is up to the tech to decide. (i.e,, I would be committing to an unspecified charge to diagnose, if it is not sealed cooling system failure.)
• The staff person said he could NOT tell me whether the tech could ‘make cooling system repairs in the space inside our MH, or whether the refr would have to be removed from the MH, repaired off –site, and reinstalled in the MH when repairs completed.’ That is up to the tech to decide.
• Also, I was not sure if the staff person clarified if the warranty paid to remove/reinstall the refr in the MH should the tech decide removal was required in order to repair the refr. ?
• When asked if repair costs were close / equal to price for new, would warranty provide a new refr instead of repairs? Staff member replied, first must diagnose, but warranty is only for repairs.
• The staff member did say we could cancel the appointment later, too, by contacting the authorized tech directly; and the staff member would provide a tech name / ph. Number IF we schedule the diagnosis appointment.
• This staff person made an “diagnosis” appointment for August 28, 2014 (much sooner than the first person I spoke with 2 days earlier at Kitchenaid said was available). That was at least a little more positive news.
• B U T ….at 8:30 am the very next morning (8/15/14), the ‘one authorized Kitchenaid Tech in our area’ called and said to me, “WE DO NOT WORK ON APPLIANCES IN RVs.” So, the ‘Kitchenaid anointed’ repair business (& the only authorized Kichenaid repair business in our area per the 8/12/14 call I made), had therefore just CANCELED our only means of qualifying for Kitchenaid extended warranty coverage! I was so flabbergasted at their cancelling, I simply clarified they indeed had just ‘canceled?’
The “Kitchenaid Anointed repair business:”
An hour or two later, after I thought about it, I decided I should call the Kitchenaid’s authorized / anointed repair business back, clarify, and make sure I had heard them correctly: the appointment Kitchenaid made on our behalf was cancelled? The several questions I asked this business staff member were:
• Is the person I am speaking with now, the same person who called me this a.m to cancel ? (YES)
• Did Kitchenaid give them both the model & serial number/s for my refrigerator needing repairs? (YES)
• Do you / this business KNOW this IS a KITCHENAID RESIDENTIAL REFRIGERATOR, and NOT an RV type equipment? (YES)
• So, I asked, “To clarify, you will NOT come diagnose the problem because it is located in an RV (MH), even though it is ‘Residential’ equipment?” (CORRECT – they do not work on any appliances located in RVs.)
• She then quickly added, “Oh, and your address is out of our ‘range’ “
• I asked, “What is that range?” (Staff person replied, “30 miles.”)
• I replied, “We are only appx. 35 miles from your business address, is there a way we can pay an ‘up charge’ for the extra 5 miles?” (NO)
• I then asked, “Do we need to notify Kitchenaid that you have cancelled, or do you do let Kitchen aid know that?” (She replied, “We already sent an email this morning to Kitchenaid that [the repair business] had canceled the appointment and provided Kitchenaid with [repair business’] ‘reasons.’ “)
This was not a good result. Thus, my earlier comment posted on this forum, ‘this is a Kitchenaid problem’ stands. Call me crazy, but it is my belief, a Kitchenaid corp. phone line that answers your call with: ‘Trade Partners Support Team’ (i.e., a ph. Number, per Winnebago’s understanding, specifically to provide customer ‘support’ for RV applications/products sold to Winnebago &/or other RV mfrs. for use in RVs) should NOT consider a repair business ‘authorized’ – if that business refuses to accept even the initial repair ‘diagnosis’ appointment for appliances located in an RV!
BTW – if you read Amazon or other similar reviews, there does appear to be a ‘short life span for Kitchenaid Refr compressors.’ These were in stick/brick homes --- not bouncing down rough roads in RVs.
My Call to Good Sam Extended Warranty: I was able to clarify process as follows:
• A “claim” does not exist / get created, until a Vendor calls Good Sam Extended Warranty. (My 2 phone calls to GS EW are noted in their computer system, and do fulfill prior notification, but no “claim” is started until a Vendor calls to seek approval to do the work.)
• A Vendor must be affiliated with an RV dealership, or in our case, would need to be licensed in the state to do the type of work to be performed, and have a state Tax I.D. (I don’t see this item as any problem to fulfill, just noting – fyi steps.)
• GS EW analysts decide whether to approve, deny, or may require an inspection prior to deciding the claim status. Also, this can all be done by phone, fax, or email – ‘paperless’ said the GS staff member with whom I spoke.
• When I asked how long it takes ‘on-average’ for the approve/deny step, I was told usually while on-phone with vendor, within minutes. But, if GS EW wants an inspection, that would be done usually within 24-48 hours of Vendor’s call for a claim, before it could be approved/denied.
• If, after the vendor calls for a claim, and if claim was already approved by GS EW – but you or vendor change mind and decide not to proceed …. ONLY the Vendor can call/contact GS EW to ‘CANCEL A CLAIM.’ Yes, you heard me correctly. I commented to the staff member … that sounds crazy. I paid for the extended warranty, it is my coach, but I cannot cancel? This means once the Vendor is IN the loop – the policy owner is OUT of the loop? To be fair, staff member said that is correct – only Vendor who files claim/starts/ receives GS EW approval step can be the one to cancel said claim. But added, “You [MH owner] are still welcome to call GS EW to check on status, call with questions, etc. anytime (normal business hours, M-F).”
• So… the moral of that seems to be: make sure the Vendor who calls about your repair IS without a doubt the one you want to make said repair?
• And, staff member said – if the Vendor cancels, then no claim exists any longer, and you start over.
• When I then asked, can we pay the cost directly to a vendor, and be reimbursed by GS EW, i.e., because repair person refuses to do ‘warranty’ jobs? Staff member replied, NO, only a vendor will be paid. If we/owner of MH pay any costs on our own, it is our choice, and GS EW would not reimburse us.
• When I also asked, if the cost for repair is equal to, or close to, the cost for a new refr; or, because the ‘known issues with existing refr brand’s compressor history,’ we would prefer to buy a new refr from a box store, does GS EW pay for a replacement? Staff member says, NO, GS EW only pays for ‘repairs’ as set out in [your] contract terms, and does not reimburse you/MH owner for any expenses you choose to do on your own.
• At this point, I admit, I complained albeit mildly, not angrily, that the process is confusing, and that I can see now why people on-line grumble about the extended warranty contract process.
FYI - I made 6 unsuccessful calls to refrigeration businesses trying to find a ‘repair person who IS licensed/trained to do sealed cooling system repairs,’ & who is willing to come look at the refrigerator (out of the cubby), but while refr is still in the MH. We wanted to find someone to look at it, who has the specialized equipment needed for cooling system repair, to tell us if they would be willing to do our repair. Finally, 1 “cooling system licensed” repairman came to see our refr yesterday. We still had the Refr setting on the riser, out of the cubby, in the aisle of MH. He gave us an additional reason why NOT to have it repaired inside MH. But said space was large enough to lay it on the floor, face down to do the work if we didn’t want to remove refr from the MH. He explained, when heating the copper tubes to 1200 degrees or more, the gas inside turns to acid, making a very strong, acrid odor. And indicated it could take a while for that smell to ‘leave.’ Fyi – However, this person would also want direct payment from us. He does not do ‘warranty’ work – saying ‘it just takes way too long to get paid.’ Thus, if we want Kitchenaid, or GS EW warranty to cover this repair, this repairman could not do the work. In addition, upon hearing his info for odor concerns, we believe whatever option we choose will have to include removal of the refr from the MH, repair or replace, and reinstall the Ref. into the MH cubby. If we take the MH to an RV dealership, say in a larger city, perhaps there would also be other ‘authorized’ Kitchenaid repair businesses available. And, if removed from the MH, the refr could be worked on at the refrigeration repair business’ address, then returned to RV dealership to re-install refr to MH cubby?
So, Where Are We NOW?
Well, we have lots of new information. We have returned Refr to the cubby, and secured the brackets, so the ‘dead’ Refr is back in the cubby again (still non-operable), and the MH ‘could’ be driven on the road. The RV trip we had planned, had to be canceled when the Refr failed.
And we are left to decide # 4. – do we NOT travel until all repairs are completed? Or, do we WAIT to make repairs until Nov-Dec time frame for repairs, so that we can travel in our MH – ‘without an operating refrigerator’ in the MH for now?
What would you do?? What option would you / have you pursued if you had a refrigerator fail?
Thanks again for all the help, caring, and support! Happy RV Travels to All !
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