I've been measuring battery resistance for years. It's not that difficult. You'll need an amp meter and voltmeter.
1. Measure charging current into the battery (I_1) and voltage at the battery (V_1).
2. Turn on a load that's about I_1/2. (Half of I_1)
3. Immediately measure battery current (I_2) and voltage (V_2).
4. Calculate battery resistance: R_bat = V_1 - V_2 / I_1 - I_2
Run the test a few times to get consistent results. You can also do the test going from 1/2 current to full current. Results should be the same.
Resistance is dependent on SOC. It increases above 75% SOC.
A LA battery could have about 12 mohm resistance. AGM have about 1/2 that amount.
Two batteries in parallel will give you half the resistance of one battery.