Thought I posted in this thread.> Perhaps not.
THe O/P ask about differing re-charge resistance between different types of batteries.. Regular starting, Marine/Deep cycle, True Deep cycle, AGM, Maintenance free, Flooded.
I have yet to seen an answer (Though I did not follow links)
I will say that in doing much research over the last few years I have found that the answer is not all that easy.
In some cases there are major differences between two different brands (Lifeline and Deka AGM's for example) and the age of the battery is also a factor.
Thus I would not feel comfortable giving an answer to the O/P's question.. You need to go to the battery manufacturer's web site and see what they recommend. Look at the maximum charge rate and the voltages they recommend.
THe math is a bit more than I wish to post but when you run the ratio the higher the voltage to amps ratio the higher the resistance.
The catch: Simply comparing max-converter output voltage to max amps does NOT give you the internal resistance, it's more complex.
But.. If all you do is compare ratios, the "This one has lowest resistance" will be accurate. (That is using words like lower and higher will be accurate, Using numbers will not).