Agree on A/C for storage at those temps if you can't shade it. 9600 shouldn't tax a good 30A receptacle and plug, but you may find this interesting. Took a junk 30A receptacle apart today and just shot a pic of the contacts.

Top is Ground, pristine. Right is Neutral/White, again pristine.
Left is Hot/Black, scorched AND spread. Can't fix this without taking the whole receptacle apart. When I took the back insulator off, I could slide Ground and Neutral out. Cleaning would have been possible.
NOT THE HOT. Discolored, pitted AND SPREAD. About two credit card thicknesses between the blades compared to none on Neutral.
The plastic of the receptacle was so warped around that contact, that I had to break it to get the copper part out.
This means that there's no productive way to tune up a receptacle before plugging in.
Campers abuse them, too. Plug and unplug with A/C running, try to run a 50 coach off 30 with an adapter, etc.
If a site IS 50A, I plug in there with an adapter. The molded 30A receptacle on the adapter is gone, replaced with a box that has a receptacle I can replace from time to time from Lowe's, HD etc.
Campground 30A pedestal breakers get tired too, so I just connect to 50A and let my main coach breaker worry about the 30A max load.