dons2346 wrote:
Take a look at the Green Mountain smokers. A friend just bought the Davey Crockett and it is much nicer than the Traeger. You can actually put a small turkey in it where you can't in the Traegar. It can be powered by either 110vac or 12vdc.
Don't get me wrong, I have a large Traegar and it works fine but for a portable, I'd get the Davey Crockett Green Mountain
Heard good things about them as well. The Davey Crockett is listed at only 219 sq/in of cooking area which is pretty small whereas the smallest Traeger(Tailgator) is listed at 305 sq/in. SO how is it the Davey Crocket can fit a turkey but the Traeger can't? Not that I plan on smoking a Turkey but the Traeger looks larger. I do like the fact the Davey Crocket can run off of 12v though.