"The receptacles used in RVs get an unjustified bad rap all the time. If they were failing, there would be lots of posts about them. Do a search. They are better devices than the stab locks used in sticks & bricks. Go shake your sticks & bricks down the road for thousands of miles and see how long any of those receptacles last. So far the receptacles in my 95 Bounder have been flawless".
"Shirley you jest"
When I built Quicksilver, I used Bryant hospital grade green dot 20-amp receptacles, 10 gauge duplex marine wire, and soldered spade terminals under the side screws. Marine type breakers on a custom panel.
The bus has a bit more than a hundred thousand miles on MEXICAN almost roads. Outlets have lasted and still have an extremely tight plug-in wise. OEM RV electrical moving parts last 5% as long down here